Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Installing New Lock Dialog Theme on Lucid/Karmic

For the last couple of ubuntu versions, gnome-screensaver, which is also the gnome screen-locking program, has been using gtkbuilder .ui files for configuration; unfortunately almost all of the third-party themes (e.g. on gnome-look.org) use .glade files. Here's how to convert a .glade file to a .ui file for use with current versions of gnome-screensaver:

1. Open a shell
2. Unpack your downloaded theme file
3. Run this command:
gtk-builder-convert -w mynewtheme.glade mynewtheme.ui
The -w switch is important. The gtk-builder-command should already be installed on your system, but if not, it is a script which you can google and run directly from your download directory.
4. transfer the theme files, including the unmodified .gtkrc, to /usr/share/gnome-screensaver. Do not stash the config files in a subdirectory.
5. change the gconf setting (e.g. with gconf-editor) of /apps/gnome-screensaver/lock-dialog-theme to your new theme (e.g. "burst", or "arc-colors-human").

Monday, June 28, 2010

Get broadcom wireless working on ubuntu

Go to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers
Choose the Broadcom STA wireless driver

Sometimes the driver does not show up in the Hardware Drivers choices. In
this case, try reintalling the driver from the GUI or shell like this:

From the GUI:
Package Manager (System>Administration>Synaptic Package Manager). Click the
Reload button in the upper left corner of Synaptic to refresh your index then
search for and reinstall the package named bcmwl-kernel-source.

From the shell:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source

In either GUI or text case, after reinstalling, reboot your machine.

Now go back to System->Administration->Hardware Drivers
and you should see the driver enabled and working.